Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2nd, 13:06, prior to coffee #2

So I'm writing this via a firefox add-on called ScribeFire Blog Editor.
Will it work?

Anyway, I've successfully managed to get through the 'holidays' or as I like to call it, Oh God I Can't Believe It's That Time Of Year Already. Nobody died this time around, thankfully, so I'll count my blessings.

I realized today that I'm not really any different from when I was sixteen. I just know more about the bad things in the world and I can drive a car and I'm 49% heavier and I have my own apartment.

Generally life is good. But I amuse myself by wondering what it would be like if the many millions of breeders in the world stopped procreating for 80 years and brought humanity to a screeching halt, or more correctly, a slow geriatric glide into the sunset. Who then would buy Macbooks? The monkeys wouldn't want them. Oh how it makes me chuckle.

2008 was fail for me, so I'm planning to start 2009 off by getting a job quickly, and organizing my life like I was supposed to do in 2008. I may give away most of my movies and cd's...I don't know. It cost a lot to acquire these things, but my life is full of things I don't use.

My computer and my internet connection in one way keeps me alive, and in another way occupies me so much that I can't think my way past it. It's like I forgot what humans do when they don't have the internet. Read? Talk? What?

I finished making videos on YouTube, and in a way that's a relief. I'll continue to make videos, but on some other site.

I found that I gravitate a lot toward blogtv. And often I find satisfaction in the unlikely aspects of blogtv interaction. Most times I want to be interactive, but sometimes I just want to hang out and listen. Sometimes I just hang out and listen to the pleasant goings on in sweetnezzincali's room, or enjoy the continuous banter from Lorax1515, or take in the engaging and curious Smiles until 4am. Other times I'll hang with BorisHacker and watch Lunah spam the channel, or enjoy a light romp through tulips and bees with erickucha12. AssNinjaLaura and swordstool are a terrific couple from New Jersey, and their friend FattieKing is a really cool guy too. I feel I was lucky to catch thatgirlonline's show and even had a chance to chat with communitychannel and her friend iamascientist a few months ago, both very awesome people. There are so many more that I enjoy watching from time to time. I've subbed to some cool people lately, but I can't remember their channel names because they haven't started a show since I subbed.

Anyway, yeah I like blogtv more than I hate it.

I think I need more coffee. I might consider going outside today. But it's -14C and that's cold.

So, yeah, bye.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Child labor in the early 1900's

I was stumbling around the internet when I came upon a site with photos and descriptions of children who were working in America during the period of 1908 - 1912. The page I'm referring to is part of The History Place. To think what so many children missed, namely childhood; they had to endure a world of hardship and suffer at the hands of greed long before their minds were prepared to do this. The accompanying text to one photo moved me to tears when I really thought about it. She was asked her age. "I don't remember. I'm not old enough to work, but do just the same." The full text implies to me she was not whithered and miserable, but this does not help me.

I remember how I counted my age in half years. I remember how eager I was before each birthday, thrilled that I could soon announce to everyone that I was a year older, and wondering what presents I might get. I remember how so often I'd complain to my mother that I was bored, even though I had 50 things I could do. I remember how I didn't work in a coal mine.

The video chain "I never do this, but..."

Some of you (and by some of you I mean possibly Carrie Lee since she's the only person following this blog...Hi Carrie Lee!) may have seen the Sub4Sub video on ralfonzo83's YouTube channel regarding the scourge of sub4sub on Youtube. Well, pointing to this video is a video chain inspired by Christopher Mast and OhCurt. It's one of those fun and spontaneous things that can sometimes happen in social networks.

(I just realized that using the angle bracket things with the number 3 to make a heart screws up a blog post. I rewrote this intro 4 times before realizing that a simple ascii heart was causing problems.)

Here's the story of the video chain:

Two YouTube users, ralfonzo83 and SugarTalker, made a collaboration video regarding the Sub4Sub scourge on YouTube.

ralfonzo83's video

Curt made a video entitled "I NEVER do this, BUT..." with no other purpose than to get viewers to click the link to the Sub4Sub video he had put in the video description.

Curt's video

Christopher, being the cheeky guy he is, made a video similar to Curt, but instead pointing to Curt's video.

Christopher's video

Victor also saw Curt's and Christopher's videos and made one pointing to ralfonzo83. Actually I'm not sure which videos he had seen prior to making his; I don't know where it fits in the timeline. I should ask him, as that'd be the sensible thing to do so I can get this straight.

Victor's video

I saw Christopher Mast's video, got all giggly and childish, and tried madly to get my gear set up so I could make a video pointing to Christopher's video.

My video

Then shortly after I uploaded my video, Cookie messaged me saying she was already preparing a similar video for upload after seeing Christopher's video, but decided instead to make her video point to mine. That was VERY KIND of Cookie, because she simply could have uploaded the video she had already made, and I'd have been out of the growing chain. Instead she made another video entirely, and for that I'm grateful.

Cookie's video

Then it just exploded.

By Monday night there was a branched tree of videos, each pointing to another. The longest chain in the tree was 12 videos long and at one point ralfonzo83 discovered all this or was told about it and created his own video:

ralfonzo83's chain video

You can see a picture of the tree here...

And it kept growing.

Currently the longest chain begins with videos by both andymooseman and kalifstorch25, both of which points to user manniacmind.

Christopher, on his ChristopherMast channel, added a montage video worth watching, because it sorta gives you a quick collection of these videos in a shorter form.

Christopher's montage

And I've got a playlist of all the videos on my channel.

Join the chain, and have fun! :o)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

So um, hi

Um, hi.

So, now I have two blogs. Darnit. I forgot that I didn't put my original blog under CanadianNinjaMonkey. I'm not sure what to do now...maybe I'll just mirror all my posts, or maybe I'll merge the blogs somehow, I don't know. I'm constantly making things complicated. So many email addresses, so many web all gets very confusing.


I suppose I'll just stick with this blog and delete the other one. It only had two posts on it anyway. Anyone from youtube searching for me will dump my name in the url, so they'd better be able to find it.

Regarding my blogtv channel, I do have CanadianNinjaMonkey but because the chat window is so narrow, I went looking for a shorter name. And since for some reason I couldn't think up anything good at the time I went to and looked at lists of random words.

Things I like about the name "philter"
- It's short, which is why I chose it in the first place
- It's easy to say
- People can call me Phil if they want, which they often prefer
- It's hard to spoof without someone noticing
- It has a cool meaning; it's a magic potion, often a love potion

Things I don't like about the name "philter"

I didn't do anything this weekend except laundry, and I changed my blogtv background and made a few banners. *sigh*